Chef HARDY Philippe

Le Chef Philippe Hardy

Le Mascaret* à Blainville-sur-mer, Manche (50)

Philippe Hardy

After having worked in many starred restaurants, then as Chef for the French Ambassador in Sofia, his native Channel reminds him... More precisely, it was in Blainville sur Mer that he created his restaurant Le Mascaret*, Michelin starred in 2009.

Philippe Hardy is a lover of his land, between land and sea... All his products are chosen with care and precision, as are his producers, some of whom go so far as to adapt their fishing methods to meet the quality requirement of the Chef.

In the kitchen, it is with creativity that he will rework these fresh products to sublimate them, drawing inspiration from the techniques and recipes learned during his many travels...

His goal ? Offer you a taste journey, just for you and your taste buds...

It was in February 2020 that Thomas presented "an idea" to the Chef Philippe Hardy.

While cooking and on the phone, the Chef assures "Go ahead, go ahead, tell me, I'm listening to you" then call a colleague:

"Hello Hervé, I have a guy who presents me with a cool idea in my kitchen, I'll pass it on to you!"

"... Hello, Hervééé, there you go, I have an idea, all thataaa"

An excellent lunch at the Mascaret later (unsurprisingly), the common adventure was launched!

Thank you Chef !

L'avis du Guide Michelin 2021 :

L'aventureux Philippe Hardy a officié dans de grandes maisons étoilées, et aux fourneaux de l’ambassadeur de France à Sofia. C'est là qu'il a rencontré sa femme, Nadia, ex-danseuse étoile. Grâce à leurs efforts, cette ancienne pension de jeunes filles a été métamorphosée en petit hôtel-restaurant chic et doux. Tout autour s’épanouissent le jardin et le potager, qui fournissent légumes et herbes aromatiques à partir de semences paysannes. L’autre grande affaire du Mascaret, c’est la mer : le chef ne rate pas une occasion d'apprêter le poisson sauvage et les crustacés. Un régal.

Le Mascaret*

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